Image Credits and References:

Image Credits

Peter Paul Rubens. 1638-1640. Self-portrait. painting. Place: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien.

Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish, 1577-1640. mid- or late 1630s. Venus and Adonis. Place: The Metropolitan Museum of Art,

Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) (Italian, Pieve di Cadore ca. 1485/90?-1576 Venice). Venus and Adonis. Paintings. Place: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Rubens, Peter Paul (studio copy). c.1600-1700. Venus Trying to Restrain Adonis from Departing for the Hunt. Place: Mauritshuis.

Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish, Siegen 1577-1640 Antwerp). ca. 1635. Rubens, His Wife Helena Fourment (1614-1673), and Their Son Frans (1633-1678). Paintings. Place: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Ruvoldt, Maria. The Italian Renaissance Imagery of Inspiration: Metaphors of Sex, Sleep, and Dream. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Scribner, Charles. “Peter Paul Rubens.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 31 Jan. 2019,

Alpers, Svetlana L. "Manner and Meaning in Some Rubens Mythologies." Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 30 (1967): 272-95. doi:10.2307/750746.

Winner, Matthias. "An Unknown Drawing by Peter Paul Rubens." Master Drawings 1, no. 3 (1963): 34-80.

Bate, Jonathan. "Sexual Perversity in 'Venus and Adonis'." The Yearbook of English Studies 23 (1993): 80-92. doi:10.2307/3507974.

Wehle, Harry B. "Venus and Adonis by Rubens." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 33, no. 9 (1938): 193-96. doi:10.2307/3256414.

Barolsky, Paul. “Looking at Venus: A Brief History of Erotic Art.” Arion: A Journal of gfhgfHumanities and the Classics, Third Series, Vol.7, No.2 (1999): 93-117. gfhgf

Bate, Jonathan. "Sexual Perversity in 'Venus and Adonis'." The Yearbook of English Studies 23 gfhgf(1993): 80-92. doi:10.2307/3507974.

Rosenthal, Lisa. “Manhood and Statehood: Rubens’ Construction of Heroic Virtue” In Gender, Politics, and Allegory in the Art of Rubens, 101-159. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005.

Image Credits and References: